Our Process

“All writing is filth.”
— Antonin Artaud, The Theatre and Its Double
Intersectional Performance Critique
DeConstruct is a Seattle-based collective of artists and academics committed to intersectional analysis and peer review of cross-disciplinary performance. We interrogate and challenge the dominant—often white, cisgender, male—perspective of artistic product, which we believe limits critical and community debate, and impairs the development of equity in the arts. We critique performance of all scales, providing our audience and artistic peers, using a robust vocabulary for re-defining performance in terms of equitable cultural currency.
Every quarter, DeConstruct members select the upcoming shows we want to review, and assign teams to those shows. When you read our reviews, you'll see byline credit for both a review lead author and a review team. Each team consists of a review lead author and one or more team members who see the production. Afterwards, the entire review team meets to discuss the performance and compare notes. The review author utilizes the outcome of that discussion to write the DeConstruct review, with input from the team. At times, members of the collective are invited to review shows that are not on the team schedule. When that happens, DeConstruct may choose to publish that individual review.
Interested in writing for DeConstruct? Email deconstructseattle@gmail.com and tell us your beat.